Happy Birthday, Dad (oh, and eff you, C-word)
(Just to be clear, the C-word is cancer in the title) I will never forget getting the call from my Mom that my Dad was taken to the hospital after suffering a seizure on the pool deck of the YMCA near Midland. After tests were run and imaging taken, we were told he had brain cancer. It was a sizable tumor that would need removing immediately. Talk about changing the lives of a family in an instant. After trying to stay positive and recover from the shock, we were then told that there was no way to get all the tumor through surgery and that post surgery, it was time to try and maintain and/or shrink the tumor with a concoction of radiation and chemo. The plan was so manufactured. Had it worked for others with the same illness? Think Ted Kennedy...no, not many at all. I forgot the exact survival rate for stage IV Glioblastoma, but it was bleak. Thanks for the free copy of your book though, Dr. Oncolo gist whose hyphenated name I have forgotten . (She was so damn ...