Milestone Electric
Our house sits on a hill and is the highest one on the block. Because of this, it serves as the neighborhood lightening rod during storms. Last year when the hail storms rolled through Irving, our house was struck by a bolt and it blew out some fuses and all of our phone jacks except the internet one. So we didn't fix them because we still had internet and the only people who called our house line were creditors looking for Carmen Perez or Alejandra Sanchez. Now that we have babysitters occasionally come to watch Alex, it dawned on me that we should have a working home line in case they need to call 911 or something and don't want to use their minutes. Being a "stay at home mom" now (I hate that term so much, but I hate homemaker even more), I see a lot of commercials in between day time television. When V asked if I knew of an electric company, the Milestone Electric commercial came to mind. It's the only other commercial I can sing besides "call 26...