
Showing posts from May, 2015

In case you were worried

Our garden hath produceth mucho this Spring. our family as tomatoes We are steadily picking these little cherry tomatoes by the bowl full every other day now. And we have managed to grow actual, big tomatoes as well! I say this because this is our first success at tomato growing. It is most def because of all the rain, but I have to document this so that when we fail next year, we can pull up this post and think fondly of all the tomato fondling we've gotten to do this spring. Okra is next. Once the weather dries up and gets hotter, the okra will grow uncontrollably. Stay tuned. (or don't) Just so you're not feeling too bad about not farming, our beans caught the fungus and have stopped making beans.  wah wah.

Snapshot: Lever 2000

the last of our stockpile Some animals use scent to find members of their family in the wild. For example, mule deers sniff each other's hind legs to see if they recognize the scent glands, thereby finding Mom or whoever. The closest our family ever got to this chemical kind of science was sharing body wash. V and I shared Lever 2000's 'Original' for almost the past decade ensuring that we could smell-locate each other in crowded shopping centers and baseball stadiums. I like to think that is how Alex learned about belonging in American families. Sadly, Lever 2000 decided to test our family's ability to survive and stay clean by discontinuing their line of body wash. (At least at Target; I'm too lazy to go look anywhere else.)

Snapshot: Mother's Day '15

photo credit: Lynn In Love Look at us.  It's love.