
Showing posts from June, 2016

Snapshot: Friday Seek and Find

We're getting closet makeovers. Where in the world is Ennis del Mar?

Silence on the sidelines

T-ball season got off to a very rainy start. The city we are playing through decided to put their main playing fields near a body of water that floods very easily. Even on sunny days, they cancelled games because the fields were too muddy. When I asked the other veteran moms if this has happened in the past, they said it did and that make-up games went well into June (our last game was supposed to be June 2). You would think the city would have an alternate plan or other fields to utilize in their huge city, but I guess not. It's like every winter when it ices (minus this last one) and they do a big news story about the shortage of salt and sand. We are finally finished though. We had a very losing season (I think they only won one one point), but every boy, including mine, were much better at the end than when they started. And that's the important part, right? Probably. I only got benched once by coach and that was because Alex hit the ball in his first gam...

Officially summer

Those suits have held up. #2T4Life Alex got stung by a jellyfish this year. As I sat under an umbrella reading with V, I looked up to comment on my constant amazement with how much Alex loves the beach. I then jinxed Alex by saying, "A jellyfish sting would really ruin his outlook, wouldn't it?" Not even an hour after I said it, I walked out to the water to tell him I was going up to the house and he turned to walk closer to me so he could hear and then started screaming and crying. I knew what happened immediately. They must have just been out because my aunt, her brother, and my cousin also got stung that evening. Alex swore off the water forever as we were walking back up to the house. It only looked like this that was much much better the next day and gone by the time we left. The next day, that lasted 10 minutes before he was back in the water. Whew!