
Showing posts from September, 2016

Snapshot: Love notes

can you tell we're having trouble remembering to bring our water bottle home every night? I started putting a sticky note in Alex's lunch every day in hopes of making him smile if his day was stressful. They're just based on the books we read every day and the things he likes. I'm no artist, but the 5 minutes it takes after I put him in bed has been worth it. He can't tell me anything he does in school for the day, but he can tell me exactly what was written on the note. School is going well. It makes for exhausting week nights and hours long naps on Saturdays, but he seems happy. Is he learning? Questionable. Me: So what do you guys do when you get to class from the cafeteria in the morning? Alex: I don't know. My teacher doesn't speak English until after lunch. I think it's going well.


Remember when I wrote this ? I was making fun of the idea that anyone would spend money on something so silly. Admittedly, I spend money on frivolous things like getting my hair blown out at drybar, multiple workout memberships and various workout equipment. I rarely buy actual things though because I suffer from immediate buyer's remorse and end up taking it back. V, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. He's like, I want all the things. "Do you really need that?" is a frequent question and irritation is a frequent emotion when I walk out to check the mail and see an Amazon box on the front porch. He works hard though, and who am I to tell a grown man how to spend his money. I hoard my money like Scrooge waiting for the Apocalypse. I guess we balance each other out. Until recently. V decided he had to have the 93'' bear from Costco. This led to a real marital fight. I'm convinced that the only reason Costco sells this item is to see whi...

Forever Day part IV

Me: What is Forever Day? Alex: I do not know Me: What do you think it is? Alex: The day I was born? Me: That is your birthday. What do you think Forever Day is? Alex: The day I was born? Me: Did you always live with your birth parents? Alex: Ohhhhhhh, No. It's the day you picked me up. Me: Yes! The day we finally became our family.  Later in the car... Me: What is Forever Day? Alex: I do not know. It's uncanny how similar we are.