
Showing posts from September, 2011

Same old story, just another year...

We are already heading into the 5th week of school!   I've gotten in to trying some crafts, and this is something I made for our elementary teacher: She wanted a map and well, she teaches Elementary.  So while this map is not the best for accuracy of scale or important landforms, it is...colorful.  Also, it will teach them the postal abbreviation of all the states.  I got this Cricut machine that cuts out different shapes on paper.  It has blown my mind and opened up this whole door to creativity.  I am no Martha Stewart, but it has been really fun making things.   Close up stitching... So far in our 4 short weeks of school... A male student managed to pee his pants in my classroom (a 7th grader) and I still don't know how I missed it!!  I was sitting at the front of the room teaching the whole time, so you can imagine my embarrassment when the principal was like, "and you never saw anything unusual?!"  Th...

Turns out...I am not a good blogger...

I read blogs every day...but I guess I'm not so good at actually doing my own.   So Happy Summer!!! And now it's over.  Here is a summary of what I did in the last summer of my 20s. 1. In June, I went to on a vacation to San Diego with my friend Sara. The weather was superb.  In fact, I think we've realized we are now getting a little older since that is what we talked about 75% of the time.  "I can't believe I am wearing a sweater at noon!" This was a view from our hotel.  We were on the top floor (not in the pent house) San Diego Zoo day.  I can show this to my kids when polar bears are extinct. It seemed to be baby animal day at the zoo Del Rey Beach (or I guess, Playa del Rey) Old Town.  You can see what I learned from my online photo class (not much!) 2. I hung out with this kid a lot! How cute is he?!  I've nicknamed him "booty" because I like to [gently] kick (maybe I should say tap...) his diaper bu...