Turns out...I am not a good blogger...

I read blogs every day...but I guess I'm not so good at actually doing my own.  So Happy Summer!!! And now it's over. 

Here is a summary of what I did in the last summer of my 20s.

1. In June, I went to on a vacation to San Diego with my friend Sara. The weather was superb.  In fact, I think we've realized we are now getting a little older since that is what we talked about 75% of the time.  "I can't believe I am wearing a sweater at noon!"

This was a view from our hotel.  We were on the top floor (not in the pent house)

San Diego Zoo day.  I can show this to my kids when polar bears are extinct.

It seemed to be baby animal day at the zoo

Del Rey Beach (or I guess, Playa del Rey)

Old Town.  You can see what I learned from my online photo class (not much!)

2. I hung out with this kid a lot!

How cute is he?!  I've nicknamed him "booty" because I like to [gently] kick (maybe I should say tap...) his diaper butt and yell "booty" at him.  We'll see how long the sis and brother-in-law put up with this.  Hopefully I am not already teaching him bad habits.  We hung out several weekends over the summer and he seemed to grow and do new tricks on every new visit!  I love this kiddo.

3. I went to Corpus Christi with my family for a long weekend beach trip.  I was thinking that it would be a nicer beach than Galveston, which is where we have gone every summer since the beginning of time...
Turns out though, it's pretty much the same only it takes 4 more hours to drive there.  That part was kind of a beat down.  Next time we will just go to Galveston.  I read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo when I was there and it was pretty good.  

There are no pictures from this trip because no one should be subjected to that.

4.  V and I continued (and are still going) to a lot of Ranger baseball games.  We bought a 20 game package, so yeah, we've been to a lot.  It's been great, except for the heat.  A few games we sat at and the temperature at the starting pitch was over 100 degrees.  
Holland Does Impressions

I love my team.  
Our tickets for the playoffs and the World Series came in yesterday.  We'll see...

5.  My last trip before school started was to go to San Francisco to meet up with friends and go see a Ranger's away game at...Oakland.  I know right?  Of all the stadiums to go and visit, that would be the last on most people's list.  It's the only place that fit with our schedule.  

Before we went, one of our pitchers, CJ Wilson, talked some smack about Oakland fans.  Something about them being horrible and not showing up to support their team...about the stadium being a dump...etc.  (paraphrased).  So on the opening game, the fans booed and yelled at him...for about 2 innings.  I never felt afraid for my life, even though I wore red.  Maybe no one noticed because we had to wear jackets!

This guy...

A's loyalty

It was a short trip and we met up with this guy who flew in from Wisonsin...


We also got a chance to meet up with old friends and meet their new baby!  So cute...
The man who took this picture was less than excited about taking 4 pictures.

J, V, JV, and Team Fernandi

I got to see a great friend, Austin, who has lived in San Francisco for quite some time.  We met for dinner and then I got to tag along to one of his yoga classes.  I've taken a few yoga classes in Dallas, but yoga in San Francisco is insane.  There is chanting and even though it is not hot yoga (Bikram), I sweat more than the only dude who came to our class. 
Austin is a great instructor and you can tell his classes love him.  I would be willing to bet that some of them only come on days Austin is teaching.  I felt so privileged to be a guest.  

This is from my visit last year...we were forced to hang out indoors because I brought the rain!

The visit was short and sweet.  The fog never really cleared up in the bay area.  Jamie V. and I convinced V to walk with us across and back the bridge.  It was cold, windy, and full of foreigners.  Check.

Chinatown...you can buy my stolen Coach wristlet there!
And lastly, you know it wouldn't be a trip unless I left something, or in this case lost something.  We got to town super late on a Thursday night and by the time we got to our hotel it felt like 3 AM home time.  I just wanted to go upstairs and go to sleep.  When we got upstairs, I noticed that I didn't have my wallet or phone.  Since the guys valeted the car, I figured I'd just get it the next day.  Then the next day, surprise it was gone.  
I felt kind of crazy, like I wasn't sure exactly where I had left it, but as the day wore on, I realized that I left it in the car (my phone, ID , and cards gift-wrapped in Coach) and who wouldn't take it?  That was duh on my part.  
I am guessing they only wanted the wallet and the phone, because no one had used any of the cards when I cancelled them 12 hours later.  

The airport was cool.  I wasn't scared about flying without an ID in the least.  This has happened before (Hawaii, January 2004).  You just get some extra security action.  

The rest of the summer I went up and worked at school.  I've vowed to myself for 5 years that I would work hard some over the summer and get ahead.  And that never happened.  BUT I did this summer and life has been nice so far at school.  

Until next summer...
