Happy 12th Man Day
It's 12-12-12 and the world didn't end. Was this a day it was supposed to? There have been so many...anyway. I want to get back to blogging again. I started blogging because I thought I was kind of funny and it turns out, I had some trouble relaying that to the rest of the world. I also thought that I could be vulnerable and offer up intimate details of my life with an unknown audience in hopes of entertaining or inspiring. After all, I read so many fantastic blogs from people I do not know and yet I feel like I do. At the time, we were going through the beginning processes of applying for international adoption. It was something major going on that was taking up a majority of my time and mind, but I couldn't really blog about it because we weren't going to tell anyone until we were closer to actually getting our child since the process takes well over a year. Scratch sharing intimate details..the blogging world instead, got pictures of ...