Happy 12th Man Day

It's 12-12-12 and the world didn't end.  Was this a day it was supposed to?  There have been so many...anyway.

I want to get back to blogging again.

I started blogging because I thought I was kind of funny and it turns out, I had some trouble relaying that to the rest of the world.  I also thought that I could be vulnerable and offer up intimate details of my life with an unknown audience in hopes of entertaining or inspiring.  After all, I read so many fantastic blogs from people I do not know and yet I feel like I do.  At the time, we were going through the beginning processes of applying for international adoption.  It was something major going on that was taking up a majority of my time and mind, but I couldn't really blog about it because we weren't going to tell anyone until we were closer to actually getting our child since the process takes well over a year.  Scratch sharing intimate details..the blogging world instead, got pictures of my amateur art projects.  (I wasn't familiar with Pinterest yet.) 

Now I can tell you, we have our son, Alex.
I can also tell you, now, that I am not 29 years old anymore.  I'll keep Last Year of 20 though until I look 30.  I'll just keep asking middle school kids.  They all say 18 because I don't think they know what people look like from the ages of 20-their parents.

I can also tell you that Texas A&M deemed today 12th Man Day.  I am not sure what all that entails, but I got an email asking for money.  Pretty typical.  I'll donate when I pay my student loans off in 15 years.
We did have a fabulous inaugural year in the SEC, beating Alabama and Johnny M. bringing home the Heisman trophy.  I'd like to think that both of those events happened because Alex wore his little jersey on both of those days.  It was kind of adorable and apparently lucky.  (Baseball fans are superstitious across all sports.)

Looking forward to re-re-joining the blogging world.
