Pedicure gone wrong
In one of my first outings for 'me time' after we got Alex, I went to get a pedicure. I went to the same place I'd gone for the previous 6ish years. As I was sitting at the park a few days later watching Alex play, my legs were itching a lot. I lifted up my pant leg to check out the situation and saw faint, red bumps from my knee down. My skin has always been sensitive in weird ways that I can't always pinpoint. When I was a kid, I broke out into a rash after using the pink bar of Caress soap. When we moved into our first house, I broke out into a rash and it took forever to realize our carpet was full of gypsum powder from the remodeling the homeowners had done. The dust was so fine, it was undetectable...until I vacuumed one day. Powder filled the bottom of the canister. At the park, I was wearing fuzzy pants and figured they had stuff in them from being stored all summer...maybe more gypsum powder? Each day that passed, the red bumps got...