
Showing posts from October, 2013

And then we all had balls...

In every government-run work place that exists (probably), there is a THEY .  A group of unknown, rarely seen (and maybe made up?) people in charge who make decisions, optimistically, as they sit in their isolated offices eating really good snacks.  Just an aside: Nothing makes me happier than going into a place and being surprised by baskets of free, tasty snacks.  Title companies and swanky car dealerships have been great in my experience.  Sewell repair center in Dallas gives out cookies AND lemonade! Anyway... THEY are not thinking much about how their decisions might play out in a place other than their 'perfect world' brain spaces...definitely not the places the decisions will actually play out...God bless them; They have the best of intentions. Those decisions then trickle down and are implemented to the people working in the trenches.  Those people are then forced to swallow yet another piece of their dwindling dignity and "jump on board" for the grea...

Orange is the new black

Shortly after I started working again, V and I finally finished the made for Netflix series, Orange is the New Black .  Poor V was forced to listen to my several scenarios of how I would survive in the prison lifestyle.  (low security).  None of the scenarios turned out well; I still don't even know how I would align myself.  It's good to have a rough plan though, just in case...  I identified with the main character, Piper, for she was not only the most boring character, but her background made her unfit for the necessary street smarts needed to survive on the inside.  While I have never dappled in female romantic relationships or laundered drug money, I empathized with her overall naivety and her talent for foot in mouth situations.  Over the course of watching the show, I did that annoying thing where I let a TV drama make a reference in my every day life...almost every day.    "Hey, it's like that episo...

Big Tex...risen from the a phoenix

Who knew being a working mother would take up so much time?  And I'm not even working that hard...what do real , working mothers feel like?! Staff drama and school politics is at level red this year, and while I'm trying to stay cool and somewhat uninvolved (total lie...), it has generally left me uninspired to write anything worth reading.  I take that back; I have wanted to write a series of really mean (but really hilarious) vignettes about various people I work with as a way to cope with the massive asininity going on, but that would not be helpful or kind.  Again though, I want to emphasize how funny they would be... "The terrorists hate our freedom; they're freedom haters..." -impersonation of GW Bush  by David Cross Saturdays have always been my favorite day of the week because it's the only day when you really don't have to do any work or make any obligations if you don't feel like it.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my...