
Showing posts from December, 2013

Little indian girl

"But what Jonah lost in weight...he gained in weight..." So Funny to me.  I think I would like to be roasted, some day. After all, if you can't laugh at yourself, you're probably an asshole.  *  *  * I have had a great break. Even though I feel like I have been cleaning my house and doing laundry every day since I have been off, it's a feeling of accomplishment and was made possible by the fact that Alex was miserably sick for a week.  Since it's December 31, am I obligated to write a New Year's post?  Maybe do a year in review? No thanks.  I looked back at Facebook's suggested year in review and it was bleak.  I was like, that's it?!  That's all I've done with a year? Hows about a story instead.  Whenever I didn't like someone growing up, my Dad would always tell me that I had more in common with them than not and to try and look for that commonality. Sure Dad, whatever you say.  The custodian at our sc...

Just around the river bend...

Christmas really sneaked (snuck?) up on us this year (again). Last year, I never took Alex to see Santa; I figured it was just one more thing he didn't need to be terrified by.  A friend I work with told me she takes her son to Valley View Mall to see Santa because no one ever goes there and you can get in and out in 5 minutes. Even on Sunday afternoon 3 days before Christmas, she was right!  The place was a ghost town. While I feel like we needed to be packing while walking around that mall, I also felt safe within the physicality of my minority status in a way that was confusing and comforting all at the same time. When we got up to Santa (yes, he was a white Santa with blue eyes...whew!), we would have been the next person, but Santa had to go on break for half an hour.  I get it.  That's where he goes off and gets disinfected for the next round, right?  Takes a shower, de-lices his beard, and puts on a clean suit?  We'll wait for clean Santa, sur...

Day 4 diary

Day 4 School cancelled again?!  Daycare was open today, but I opted not to take A because V didn't have to be in until 10, so I got to work out while he stayed home with the tot.  After a much needed work out (let's not even start to count the amount of carbs/sugar consumed in 3 days), I sent my scout out to check the roads (V on his way to work day 10 out of like 25 in a row...) and we made our way to North Park to take care of some stuff I've wanted to do since Friday. Just as I suspected, the mall was full of parents and their children (or nanny and their clients' children at North Park).  Although not as crowded as it will be on the weekends, 5000 small children running around seems crowded.  (Just an estimate). Alex insisted on Chick-fil-A for lunch because it's the only place he really we stood in a line that wrapped around the food court to get some chicken.  Then we took 3 laps around the seating area looking for an open table.  It wa...

Cabin fever 2013

I wasn't planning on blogging a post before I got out from school for the Holidays, but I am starting to feel trapped in my house.  We've started a lot of bad habits this week.  I've also had too big of a presence on Facebook the past three days and I feel ashamed.  There are unspoken rules on Facebook.  I know there are hundreds of little compilations of what kind of Facebook user you are/you deal with, but there is truth in the hilarity; Your base will let you know when enough is enough... *Post that 100th picture of your kid in a two day time span and eventually start receiving 2 likes (from the the people who are notorious for liking everything (me) and just your family).  It means, we know you love your kid...hell, we do too...but please stop.  Or don't.  Okay, one more... *Complain or give thanks about everything.  There's a reason why no one is commenting; you don't want to see what the comment would be... *Just did a Facebook cleanse o...