Cabin fever 2013

I wasn't planning on blogging a post before I got out from school for the Holidays, but I am starting to feel trapped in my house.  We've started a lot of bad habits this week.  I've also had too big of a presence on Facebook the past three days and I feel ashamed.  There are unspoken rules on Facebook.  I know there are hundreds of little compilations of what kind of Facebook user you are/you deal with, but there is truth in the hilarity; Your base will let you know when enough is enough...

*Post that 100th picture of your kid in a two day time span and eventually start receiving 2 likes (from the the people who are notorious for liking everything (me) and just your family).  It means, we know you love your kid...hell, we do too...but please stop.  Or don't.  Okay, one more...
*Complain or give thanks about everything.  There's a reason why no one is commenting; you don't want to see what the comment would be...
*Just did a Facebook cleanse on your friends for the third time this year?  How the hell do I keep making the cut?!!!!  Please tell me and I will NOT do that anymore.
*And my personal favorite and one I am guilty of all the time: Using Facebook like a Diary.

I have also been having far too many conversations on comments sections.  My Mom would say, "What's wrong with you people?  Why can't anyone pick up a telephone anymore?"
Well Mom, other than being completely old when you say that, how else can I read my blogs, check my email, play on Facebook, and watch You Tube videos all at the same time if I'm expected to have a phone conversation with someone.
(Just kidding...don't want to alienate the only person who reads my blog...and I definitely do not do any of those things while you are talking to me.  If I seem silent, it's only because I am listening.)

I remembered I had a blog, so I will now burn through a post you could classify as one of the more "meh" ones to stop reading starting now. (Seriously, it's going nowhere.)

V worked Friday until 10 PM and ALL weekend, so it was me and the tot.

Day One
School closed ( I mean, the city shut down) on Friday because of ice.  Friday was awesome.  We knew school was out Thursday night (rare for my district...they like to make sure you're up at 4 AM to check, usually).  We slept in (I mean 7 is sleeping in for me) and after breakfast, I bundled buddha up in his ski clothes from January, and we headed out to slide around on some ice. While all the other neighborhood children couldn't stay out longer than 15 minutes because they only had jeans and a coat on...suckas!...Alex seemed fine and we were out almost 2 hours.  If you wear two under layers, outerwear, socks, and boots with all their own temperature allowances, can you add them all up if you're wearing all of them at once?  I feel like he and I were ready to sit in -75 degrees.
Staying warm in the cold and eating an entire can of chicken noodle soup led to an epic nap on Alex's part.  He slept almost 3 and a half hours while I got to take a power nap, do some chores, and watch TV.  It was sort of like the good ol' days.  When he woke up, he wanted to go outside again, this time in the backyard, and we shut it down with me finally dragging him in the house after dark because I was getting cold.
This started day one of my need to document my day on Facebook.

snow tires. check.

moving on to the lawn.

MOTY.  street lamps on.

last effort to stall going inside..."ba!" *proceeds to make an ice angel.

Day Two
Most of the ice we had used on Day One for sliding practice was gone, so it seemed like it would not be as fun of a morning.  I needed to go to the grocery store, but did not want to venture out on the ice...especially with all the Asian drivers in our included!  So I bundled us up again and threw buddha in the stroller to walk up to the grocery store.  It was pretty awesome because it was like sledding...only Alex helped none.
People looked at me like I was crazy to have this poor child out in the cold, but I just stared back at them for being in a car on an icy road, slipping and sliding all over the place.  And we stared at each other for a long time because this was the only day where I could walk faster than a car could drive.

I let Alex have hot (lukewarm) chocolate for the first time.

i swear we don't keep him decked out in Aggie gear always...

We didn't go back outside after nap time.  Instead, we began to feel the pressure of being cooped up indoors and went kind of crazy.  We put on our ski socks and played t-ball indoors.  I wondered for a second what kind of habit I was starting by hitting balls inside the house and sliding into pillows on the floor.  But instead of stopping, it escalated to rolling cars down the stair railings and then hitting acorns across the room with the baseball bats into the pillow fortress we made.
I am trying to get Alex to play more pretend by modeling, but he loses interest and I end up playing games of pretend alone...which is alarming how entertained I keep myself.  Yesterday it was pet shop (a classic favorite from our childhood) and when Alex lost interest, I screamed (as the animals) "why do you hate us so much?!" and starting throwing them over the banister.  I made sure to explain to Alex that we don't actually throw stuff over the banister...the animals made an irrational decision to jump.  
I broke the one hour limit of TV...I mean Disney channel is Christmas crazy, so it's okay, right?

Dad got home and we suffocated him with our need for attention and apologized for the state of the house.  Ennis came out of hiding from all of our loud playing.

Day Three

Oh.My.Dad.  (SNL Behind the Music Rock and Roll Heaven w/Will Ferrell...anyone?  Anyone?)

Can we find something to do outside, again?  The thought of bundling up Alex again is, admittedly, a little more tiring today.  Yes, we spend at least 5 minutes on getting his thumb in the separate place from his fingers in the glove.

the study is our getting ready prep room...mostly because it's the only room with heat.  the rest of the house is a cool 68 degrees. 
He's game though, so we do it and go karate chop pieces of ice breaking up in sheets from the ground.  I'm sure our neighbors were like, "Hey honey, come and look!  Classic Asian."
We also slid down the hill of our front yard about 100 times.  I pretend like I am a walrus.  It's fun.
I didn't know Alex could eat soup so many days in a row.
I have spent at least an hour (more) on FB chatting it away and fighting the urge to post 10 more pictures with commentary.
The one hour TV limit has been shattered already today and it's only 3 PM.
And now this post.

toddler snow boots are the best. 

Please, God...let there be school tomorrow...or at least the opportunity to visit somewhere for a scenery change!
