Kids say the darndest things

I like these.

As a teacher, how could I not?

I was reading some writing samples my district required my students to write and here are some highlight excerpts that entertained me.  It is typed exactly how it is written. Not as entertaining as the link above...I guess I just know the critters who wrote this stuff so it's extra entertaining to me...

8th Grade
Who do you feel is the most important person you've studied in US History and why?

"George Washington was the first president of the United States they also use to fight for the taxes of the whiskey rebellion because people did not want to pay no more taxes for whiskey.  After World War I the taxes ended and there was no more slaves either.  People were happy that slavery and taxes ended..."

How do citizens in a democracy participate in their government?

"You have to follow the rules or you will be locked in a cell every time you go and break the law.  It's actually better that their is laws because if their were no laws their would be disasters everywhere.  No laws would be like earth with no land we would have to adapt to water."

"Once you are 18 years old you get to do almost everything you want.  But at the same time you get to vote.  I don't know if its true but people say if you dont vote you go to jail.  In my opinion I rather go to jail then to vote for someone that I know its not gana do wat he promis to the people..."

"I know by the time your 18 you get more freedom, but truly you don't.  In my opinion I think our parents are slaves to the gov. because our parents go to work in order to say alive + keep us healthy.  In order to stay alive in America you have to have a job."

"I can run for office, vote, I can join the police academy...And if I join the police academy I can and I will stop crimes, kill killers keep my 45 on me so when I catch a burglur FREEZ BOOM  they shoot to hurt I shoot to kill..."

"I dont know how citizens in a democracy participate in their government."  (that was the entire essay)

Seventh grade was surprisingly accurate in their writing prompt and other than terrible use of grammar and spelling, they pretty much got it. 

6th Grade (Geography)

Of all the places you've studied so far in 6th grade, which one did you enjoy the most and why?

"My favorite country is islam because and of the other stuff I never heard of like pray five times a day and if you decide not to pray and go stil (steal) they chop your hand off instead of going to tail (trial)..."

"I like Mexico because of the food they serve.  Mexico is greate for me because over there you can do what ever you like and I like the tamales and rice with beans."

"Russia because Russia is such a fasanating place for people who like to explore, advture.  Russia has so many awesome places.  But sadly sad places.  One sad thing happen in Russia, which is cyblimo (Chernobyl)...All the buildings in Russia have like those snow shelter, but I don't know what it is called it kinda looks like a "kiss" (and she drew an onion dome to the side)..."

I suppose all of this reflects the quality of my teaching and maybe I should be embarrassed...but I'm not.
