Worst Mom at daycare...

Alex's school might or might not know that, yes...he has an attentive Mom.

I have to be at school by 6:30 AM, but try to be there by 6ish so I can sit in my dark classroom, with only lamp light, and softly cry before anyone else arrives.

This means that I do not take Alex to school; I don't even see him before I leave the house.

He is only enrolled in a half day program since all the learning is done before lunch.  So Tina picks him up every afternoon and puts him to sleep/teaches him Spanish until I get home in the afternoons. 

This means that I do not pick Alex up from school.

Since he only goes half days, he gets the summary sheets of their day and announcements of upcoming events the next day because they put them in the kids' cubbies in the afternoons. 
Sometimes these sheets make it home, sometimes they don't.

This means, Alex does not bring show-and-tell themes, have his parents bring items for parties and other sign ups, and is not wearing the correct clothing for specialty days.  Nor do his parents know about his progress at school most of the time.  (I am assuming they potty trained him because we sure didn't.  Just one day, I realized, hey, he might be potty trained.  And he was.)
Confession:  I did not send up cupcakes or other treats for the class on his birthday.
Confession 2: I do not know the name of one single kid in his class.  (There's probably a Madison or an Ethan...)

V takes him to school sometimes when he has a weekday off, and it just so happens, he found out that all mothers were invited to school the Friday before Mother's Day to have breakfast with their kids...even me...probably.
I asked to take my first couple of classes off and got to take Alex to school.  It was weird driving in the morning sun with morning traffic, but Alex was super happy that I was taking him.

We arrived at school and they set the front room up with tables and flowers and had homemade muffins (which I am sure there was sign up I missed) and fruit and juice.  Thank goodness Alex is the only Asian kid at school and that they could identify me as his mom.  They might have been thinking, "Oh sure, here she is, showing up when we serve food."
All the Moms were saying hello to each other and making small talk with each other and the teachers.
Despite all of this, Alex was unashamed.  He fed me breakfast, gave me a pretty rad wooden beaded necklace that he strung, and pulled me to his classroom to show me around.
It was a great morning and I'm glad I went.

On my way out, the front desk woman reminded me that I needed to check him in for the day.
I was like, oh yeah of course.  But then I just stared at the machine for a long time trying to remember the code before my code to punch in. 
Finally she quietly said, "Just push 00 and then your code..."
Thanks, I knew that. (Not)

Mother's Day Breakfast 2014


  1. Hey Jennifer it's great to read about your experiences with Alex as he grows up :) Jacob

    1. Thanks, Jacob...it's kind of my extracurricular activity...

  2. I could have written this about my life! Except I'm not funny!

    1. You're so funny! You should start a blog...it would be great...
      You know, if you could find time between taking care of two kids and saving lives...


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