Last post of 2015

When I reflected on 2015, searching for inspiration to write an end of year post, I think the thing that surprised me the most about this particular year was...back fat. Used to have a little now I have a lot, No matter where I go, I know where I came from - Jenny from the block

Even Pinterest knew. I didn't get on Pinterest from August until now and this is what showed up when I returned on my 'suggested for me' pins.

Another memory that stands out is at the local park in my neighborhood back in October.

There were two boys sitting on top of a tunnel and talking. They couldn't have been older than 4th or 5th grade. I started eavesdropping their conversation. One boy said to the other, "Have you ever noticed that the older you get, the worse life is?..."
Conversations were getting deep at the park that day.
The idea that these two boys were talking philosophy at the park was cute enough to burst my heart...and a bursting heart was the theme of this year.
It burst from fullness on several occasions be it full of sadness, helplessness, love or everything in between. And then after bursting, it filled again and again and again.
There are always ups and downs in every year, but I feel like I've worked hard to make myself sit in these moments and find comfort. Looking for the positive and the beauty in every day can be a challenge sometimes, but I'm so much better at it now than I was in my 20's and much, much better at finding the good than the sweet grade schoolers at the park. What those boys can't understand yet is while it seems life gets worse, you collect so many more tools and develop amazing skills to deal with the ugly. You learn to transform a challenge into something beautiful that you never even knew you were capable of crafting. Life becomes beautifully imperfect.
I wanted to hug those boys...but of course didn't.

You find what you look for.
If you want to find the best the world has to offer, you look for the best the world has to offer...even when it seems like it doesn't exist.
It's also okay to cry a lot on the way.
If we learned nothing else from Inside Out this yearsadness must exist to find joy.

Dare I say I finally have a little wisdom to offer at such a young age?

Sometimes you think you know what the numbers 1-10 look like so well, but then on further inspection, you realize you still have no idea...
Well, I guess not.

May 2016 be your best year yet.
