
Showing posts from August, 2016

The Night Of

Nothing about this is a spoiler alert.  V and I have been watching the mini-series, The   Night Of,  on HBO.   I'm not really into crime dramas because it makes me think of ways, I had never thought of, that people get abducted and/or abused and/or murdered. I don't like going to sleep with those thoughts in my brain. But I don't like many shows on TV, so The   Night Of is one of maybe 2? shows V and I watch together. It's only 8 episodes, but I am ready for it to be done. The characters are train wreck human beings. My favorite part of the show has been John Turturro's character, John Stone. He plays a lawyer who hangs out near the precinct looking for potential clients. Sort of like ambulance chasing? He happens to be there when Naz Khan is brought in and charged with murder. But my favorite parts are the side stories of Stone's life...his eczema...the cat he took from the victim, but is allergic to...the relationship with his son that I can...

It begins

I don't believe in trophies for everyone, but I did buy a nice, encouraging card to start off Alex's school career. I put it next to the donuts I woke up at 5:15 A.M. to go buy...she gave me a free donut...take that kid, I still got it! He read it out loud: "You can't do it!" I said, "Son? Why would we buy you a card that said you couldn't do it?" Worst motivational card, ever. We took some pictures, loaded up the car and headed out! Here goes the next decade and a half! this is how i imagine elementary school teachers...that's a tough group of people! Dear son, I never thought I would be the type of Mom to cry when her kid started school (I am a teacher, after all and you've been to childcare for years).  Yet when I dropped you off this morning, I was fighting down the huge lump in my throat as I watched you quietly walk in to observe your new environment. I wish I could stay all day and protect you and keep y...

Goodbye, summer

Incomplete review: A beautiful, spontaneous trip to San Francisco... A week in Galveston, NOT being attacked by flesh-eating bacteria... Britney, Bitch: Vegas... A visit from cousins... Korea Camp... #notpaleo Kiddie Park!... A complete rainbow!  (not pictured...double rainbow...)... Majestic Pegasus... Feeding donkeys... Catching sun Our first summer to use an entire container of sunscreen... Reading! I read 5 books this summer! More than in the past 5 years... Alex read 80 books!!! And general tomfoolery... This represents just a piece of what happened, but we decided it was the best 16 pictures to kind of summarize the summer. The end of summer has led us to drink as we prepare for a big school year! We'll miss you, summer. Until next year...Love, us.

Snapshot: Funny business

That Ms. Linda. She had a weird sense of humor for her students...