The Night Of
Nothing about this is a spoiler alert. V and I have been watching the mini-series, The Night Of, on HBO. I'm not really into crime dramas because it makes me think of ways, I had never thought of, that people get abducted and/or abused and/or murdered. I don't like going to sleep with those thoughts in my brain. But I don't like many shows on TV, so The Night Of is one of maybe 2? shows V and I watch together. It's only 8 episodes, but I am ready for it to be done. The characters are train wreck human beings. My favorite part of the show has been John Turturro's character, John Stone. He plays a lawyer who hangs out near the precinct looking for potential clients. Sort of like ambulance chasing? He happens to be there when Naz Khan is brought in and charged with murder. But my favorite parts are the side stories of Stone's life...his eczema...the cat he took from the victim, but is allergic to...the relationship with his son that I can...