Snapshot: 2017

I have decided to embrace my procrastination habit this year.
Happy New Year, 2017!

I don't want to focus for long on anything that happened in 2016 for obvious reasons. It was full of great moments, as always, for my family and that's where we'll leave it.

One of the best moments of 2016 came in right at the end. I was cleaning out Alex's closet and found a box containing a few of my childhood stuffed animals. Meh, ok. But tucked in on the side of the box was a folder that I collaged and then had lamintated at a teacher's store.



Was I too old to do something like this? Definitely. I was a late bloomer and had to do something to fill the years when I wasn't invited to parties to drink and whatever other cool things happened at those parties...

This pretty much sums up my 1996-2000. Inside the folder were my BSB ticket stubs and some terribly grainy pictures from the concerts.


Cheers to 2017!
