I haven't written a post to my Dad on his birthday in awhile. As if my subconscious was aware of this fact, I started reading Promise Me, Dad by Joe Biden. Why? I guess I need to cry even more than I already do about everything. Such a cry baby in my years around 29*. As someone who lost a wife, a daughter and a son, Joe gives the same advice to all grieving people he meets. To slain, New York, officer Wenjian Liu's mother he said: "There will come a time when you'll go riding by a field that you both loved, or see a flower, or smell the fragrance of his suit when he took it off and hung it in the closet or you'll hear a song, or you'll look at the way someone walks, and it will all come back. But someday down the line, God knows when, you'll realize it doesn't make you want to cry. It makes you smile. The time will come when the memory will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. That will happen, I assured her. And that...