Spring "it's just a sprain, not a break"

It's no surprise to anyone that I fall on and sprain an ankle about once a year. I've injured and re-injured them so many times, there are no ligaments left for balance. I have what is medically known (maybe even recognized) as chronic ankle instability. Despite my balance exercising in Pilates, experts think recurring sprains damage the nerves and prevent your brain from being able to detect how your foot is positioned on the ground.
Anyway, that's from the first website that popped up on Google when I searched "Why am I like this?"

I had big plans for Spring Break.

We were going to take a small road trip to test how the baby does away from home and traveling. We were going to go to the Arboretum every day and sit in the grass and soak up the sun. I was going to ramp up the cardio again since V, miraculously, had some days off with us this week.

We went to Oklahoma to visit friends and their new baby. Our baby did great. Our oldest got sick. Like high fever, gross gastrointestinal sick. I felt awful for rolling up in there with that. We spent the weekend trying to isolate ourselves from the infected.

Our oldest stayed sick until today. 
No big deal, half the week gone, but we can still pick up where we started planning.

Then I tried to carry a huge sack of oranges, apples, and a take away pizza from Costco in the house quickly because the baby was crying...and in the process fell off balance between the unevenness of the garage and driveway, and put my entire body weight on my ankle as it bent against the ground.


I just laid there listening to the screams of a baby and fighting the nausea from my hefty weight snapping my ankle in half.
Vivek walked out 5 minutes later, helped me up and I began R.I.C.E.

We're going to have to regroup and get our sh-t together to round out this week before going back to the hum drum of the scheduled weeks ahead. I have faith it can happen.

Since I'm laid up for a minute, I'll catch up on some random blogging. I'll follow the format of my cousin-in-law's random Instagram posts. They're fantastic and I love them.

* Baby Z finally got a tooth. We thought he'd been teething for 7 months straight, but would never actually get teeth and over the weekend, he opened his mouth to eat and I saw a tooth had broken through! 

* Alex was eating a mandarin orange last week and I decided to eat one too. I put my orange peel on his plate since I was walking around doing stuff while he ate. He said, "Look, Mom. I'm wrapping my orange in different skin from your orange." 
I had a real eerie Silence of the Lambs feeling. (I've never actually seen that movie.)

* After twist spraining my ankle today, I slathered on some Lemongrass essential oil. I think it's working.

*And finally, I've waited a long time (my whole life) to see someone who is related to me biologically. Obviously, Z looks a lot like Dad in most ways, but there is something so fabulous about knowing that I am represented in there! I've never had the desire to meet my biological mother, but I have never wanted to see pictures of my biological family so badly...to see how alike we look...to look related to someone.

This one is a stretch, because don't all sleeping babies generally look the same?

Me with a hole in my pants and my clothes on backwards...in soft, soft bedding and bumpers sleeping on my stomach

Z, SUPERVISED, tummy sleeping

Okay, now you're just finding photos where you're doing the same thing...

I love him. 

Maybe Alex and I can find what we're looking for on a future birth land tour together.

Happy Spring Break!
