Snapshot(s): And just like that...

He was One.

Everyone says it, but I can't believe a year has gone by.

This past year has been about experiencing everything that I never allowed myself to dream when we were struggling to bring life into the world.
It is so overwhelmingly powerful that I still pinch myself to make sure it's real.
Happy Birthday, baby boy. We can't even remember the time before you were ours.*

*Except that one time when you were yelling at a restaurant on a Sunday night, and I watched a young couple walk out together...probably to go home and watch Sunday night HBO on the couch with their pets...because they definitely got their work out in that morning...and then lazed around their Sunday funday planning their next vacation...and maybe reading...and I was staring so long at this beautiful couple, I dribbled food out of my mouth onto my clothes...but it doesn't matter because they were already dirty with spit and slobber...and baby food...and let's be was a t-shirt with pit stains and holes in it from a fun run in 2008...when I ran races because I could...

But honestly.

I wouldn't trade you or Alex for any of it.
Love you boys to the moon and back.
