I don't know my enneagram number. Do you call it your number? Or would I say I don't know my enneagram? If I get into something, I want to do it right. I can't rely on random internet quizzes...what's the best source? Who invented enneagrams? I'm definitely not paying for anything. I want to know everything! I checked out a book from the library about enneagrams. I did. True story. I wanted it all explained and for my number to be the most accurate number it could be. I wanted to believe. But, I never read the book. Just like everything I think "I'm going to start..." it was returned and forgotten. This is not about enneagrams, but I feel like if I knew mine, it would help in this post...to set the stage...to illustrate my persona. <insert shoulder shrug emoji> Like most things though, this is about me. How I am naturally introverted and deeply shy when meeting people for the first times. I don't always come off this way at first becaus...