
Showing posts from June, 2013

Teacher summers

I used to work with this woman.  This will paint her in a very bad light, but I doubt she will ever read it, and I don't care if she does.  If I ever see her again, I'm going to greet her with a punch to the baby maker. (According to my lawyer that is not a threat...but it is a promise.) My co-workers and I truly believe this woman, let's call her Peg (not even close to her name, but I feel she looks like a Peg...which unfortunately is an insult to Pegs everywhere) was out to get disability.  Peg was missing work all the time for obscure reasons and "illnesses".  She knew the district policy on absences like a pro. She friended me (and only me from my school) on Facebook and on days she was absent, there were scrolling screens worth of activity all through the day of Farmville and other things she did all day. Which was worse though?  Her missing work or her being there?! When she was there, she tried to start drama between people, did NOT do her job in ...

A belated Father's Day post

When we met Alex for the first time, V and I were in the meeting room first.  We had seen video, pictures and I had imagined how the scene might play out in a million different scenarios (really, like 3) for over a year.  In the end, I had no idea what to expect, or how I would react.  I did know, though, that without a shadow of a doubt, V would hold it together and be the brains of the operation. And I was right. When the foster mother and sister brought him in, I think we were both so relieved.  Relieved that the moment had finally come and we were finally a family. Then as fast as that euphoria was born, of course my mind split into 10 different directions and I started getting overwhelmed with joy and fear all at the same time.  As I sat there trying to immediately do all the right things and seem cool and collected, Vivek just took out his camera and filmed him playing.  He interacted with Alex and Alex crawled right up in his lap with curi...

It's been awhile...

I realize it's been a minute since I've posted anything.  That might have [ NOT ] made you sad. Here are random things that have been going on in the past month+... 1. Storage places are/remain the scariest places to go.  The one I chose had no mirrors at the end of the aisles.  Every time I walked down the dark halls, illuminated by motion, I would think, 'how am I supposed to prepare to be murdered if I can't see what's behind me?'  I literally watched my back several times.  Alex seemed to not care at all.  We took daily trips as we packed our house up and he happily rode the cart (really against the rules) and played in the aisles as I worked.  One day, in a real, mom of the decade moment, he took off ahead, knowing his way well by now,and got laid out by a professional mover hauling someone's junk out of storage.  One minute I saw him, the next he was flat on his back and I saw the guy with a bookshelf on his dolly standing over...