It's been awhile...

I realize it's been a minute since I've posted anything.  That might have [NOT] made you sad.

Here are random things that have been going on in the past month+...

1. Storage places are/remain the scariest places to go. 

The one I chose had no mirrors at the end of the aisles.  Every time I walked down the dark halls, illuminated by motion, I would think, 'how am I supposed to prepare to be murdered if I can't see what's behind me?'  I literally watched my back several times.  Alex seemed to not care at all.  We took daily trips as we packed our house up and he happily rode the cart (really against the rules) and played in the aisles as I worked.  One day, in a real, mom of the decade moment, he took off ahead, knowing his way well by now,and got laid out by a professional mover hauling someone's junk out of storage.  One minute I saw him, the next he was flat on his back and I saw the guy with a bookshelf on his dolly standing over him.  There was lots of screaming. There was even more guilt.  What kind of place is that for a toddler anyway? 

 Why did we have a storage unit, anyway?

2.  We moved.

We managed to decide to put our house on the market, sell it, buy another one, and move since my last posts.  Nothing makes you love your house more than deciding to sell it.  I honestly thought no one would buy it because our driveway has a 90 degree slope and we've heard about it a few (thousand) times.  But then I thought, "hey, our house will sell because it's awesome."
And it did. A lot quicker than I anticipated.
I will miss that house a lot.

 2a.  We are masochists.

We really didn't expect to sell our house so fast and way before we even decided to put it on the market, we were planning a huge party to recognize Alex's finalization.  We invited 200 people and I hired a party planner because I was way out of my element.  She was awesome and took care of almost everything.  Between her and my sister-in-law, they were necessary for making that party what it was.  And what it was...was better than our wedding reception. 
You might be thinking I am about to dump a hundred photos of the event.  I have to embarrassingly admit that I took ZERO pictures during that afternoon, as in not one.
Ironically I am a pretty sentimental person, who is the worst at photo evidence.
We will just have to tell him about it and hope that bounce houses and Freebirds will elicit some unexplained happiness in him for years to come.  

We had to be out of our house three days after the party.  Was it the worst planning ever?  Yes.
We worked tirelessly for 3 days to get all of our "stuff" out of that house, even after I had worked weeks before that moving stuff into storage.  Moving day into the dorms was annoying and moving days got progressively worse as the square footage increased.  We had years to fill this house, and while not incredibly big, had some incredible storage that I worked so hard at making and then, apparently, filling. 

On the last day of getting the last things out, we stood in our huge backyard and reminisced all the memories.  Then like two post-apocalyptic squatters, we picked 4 ripe cherry tomatoes and one green bean from our growing garden and greedily devoured them...not even washing them, first. 
I have been thinking about sneaking back to harvest.
I won't.  Our new neighbors have a lot of trees growing fruit.  I will wait.

I don't know if we'll fit into our new neighborhood or not.  I've already made some impressions on the neighbors with my impaired social skills and overall oddness. 
Here's a highlight moment:
I was taking the trash out and breaking down boxes in the street one night at like 10 PM (our third night here).  I had the commercial for Swisse Vitamins with Nicole Kidman in my head.  On the way back up to the front door, I was humming and recreating the commercial (complete with frolic-like dancing)...looking almost exactly like Nicole Kidman, except instead of legs for days, I had legs for a second, was filthy and wearing tattered clothing.  (and Asian).
My new neighbor was out putting his trash out too, and I somehow missed him coming out of his house and watching me dance and hum. 
That's how I met Victor. 

There are no words for that kind of embarrassment.  

Fit in or not, you will have to drag my deceased (or senile) body from the house we are in now.  I am never moving again.  Ever.

3. Shortly before moving, I fulfilled (in my mind) my dream of being Michelle Kwan.  One of my dearest friends, Austin, was in town caring for his sick grand dad and needed a night of activity to distract his mind.  We went to Skate Town Grapevine, which I have never been, despite growing up in Grapevine.  Maybe I was the oldest person there (the employees looked 12), and definitely the only girl wearing Ann Taylor Loft, but hanging out with Austin took me back to 19 years old and we skated the night away, shutting the place down. 


We are finally out of baby shampoo.  We've been using the same one since we brought Alex home and nine months later, it's finally gone.  Not a great expense, that baby shampoo...
In other news, the red and black (Go Panthers!) Old Navy boxers I bought freshman year of high school to wear at swim meets have finally reached their final days.  I will continue to wear them for another 15 years.

5. The stress of moving affected Buddha. He caught some virus that didn't seem that bad, but then did when it swept our house.  Even Ennis was a little sick.

If anyone wants to Pin this, an air mattress upside down (plastic side up) is quick clean up for a sick baby who doesn't understand throwing up.  We had no furniture anyway, so this is what I found to use, but then thought...genius! 

Now that we are well and we have internet again, and I'm not watching the trash on daytime TV (as much)...we are in business for summer.
