
Showing posts from March, 2015

How to get out of a ticket

Last week after I picked Alex up, I got pulled over by Dallas police. I can honestly say I didn't know why and thought maybe passing a bus was illegal. It wasn't a school bus...just a hospital shuttle and it hadn't quite stopped yet, but it was going to and I hurriedly passed it so I didn't have to look for "pedestrians." (yes, "I know") I've come up with a few easy steps that might get you out of a ticket: 1. When the policeman has his lights on to pull you over, pick the right spot. Obviously, you can't stop on the side of a busy street with no shoulder, so just drive up to the light. Instead of going straight at the light, after waiting forever for it to turn green, to a building and its parking lot, turn left and drive down the street half a mile before deciding that the building and parking lot you've chosen to be pulled over in is identical to the one half a mile back but definitely better. 2. Make sure Pandora stat...

Bird bell v. squirrel

Alex really doesn't ask for stuff at stores. When we're at Target, he'll ask to look at the toys, but when he says he wants something, I say, maybe at the next big celebration like Christmas or the Pope's birthday...or your next birthday. Right now, he seems okay with that. One day we were at Home Depot, and we went looking for birdseed to do a project. Next to the birdseed, there was a bird bell...this birdseed stuck together with some kind of sugar stuff in the shape of a bell that you could hang. Alex asked for it. I started to explain that we were already going to make bird feeders with the birdseed, but almost immediately I was also enamored with the idea of the bird bell, so I cut myself short of my long-winded explanation and said sure.     As we were driving home, I started thinking of the squirrels and how they were probably going to demolish this thing. After the ice melted from our snow days, I got the ladder out and hung the bell as far down f...

Yes Please? Yes, Please.

I am not very funny in person (maybe not even in writing) because I'm not quick witted and I easily succumb to "the pressure"; Take that however you will.  I'm shy and quiet, but not too an awkward interjection of weird comments and then genuine laughing at my own comments and then eerie quiet. I emotionally flood(?) very quickly. I will think of a clever (or just really mean) comeback a week after a conversation.  I do, however, love to laugh. I try and surround myself with the funniest and most entertaining people in the room so that I can smile and laugh until my face and gut hurt.* I have the funniest friends on the planet.   *That's not actually entirely true. In groups of strangers, somehow I find the saddest, most talkative people who will immediately accept me and let me console them. As I pretend to listen to them talk, I watch the funny people and laugh from outside the circle. <insert pathetic emoji here> A fantas...

Snow day

I told myself that I would not post about our snow day today, especially since we just had snow days last week (documentation in post: Snapshot(s): Winter ). But today was way more fun than our days off last week because it was sunny and there was no rain. I really showed some self-restraint and did not post hourly on Facebook. The day started out with a mystery...and a thankful prayer to God that we were not murdered in the night because I definitely left the garage door open last night WITH the light on. It was a beacon of temptation all night for anyone wandering around in the rain/sleet/wind/snow. Someone did pay us a visit though. After a thorough investigation of the evidence and a lot of thinking, V concluded that a small animal (he's hoping a baby fox...I'm hoping a tiny shoe maker) wandered in our garage sometime between the hours of 6 PM, when I made it home and walked in NOT closing the garage door, and whenever it stopped snowing. This is supported...

Snapshot(s): Winter

It was that magical week in February when we got to miss school because of weather. Some people dislike missing school because we lose our bad weather make-up days later in the spring. I used to be one of those people, but not anymore. I hope we have a surprise freeze in April and miss a whole week! Ironically, these photos were all taken on a day when we actually had school. We did not get out early in my district, but the other surrounding cities left at noon and the metroplex could not even handle themselves on the roads. It took V 3 hours to get Alex and bring him home. I will never understand how we are unprepared for this weather each year. It literally happens every February, and yet there still are reports of sand, truck and plow shortages. On the actual two days of school we missed, it was icy (kind of) in the mornings, but then cleared up nicely in the late morning. So even though we get zero breaks after spring break until the end, it's always nice to ha...