How to get out of a ticket
Last week after I picked Alex up, I got pulled over by Dallas police. I can honestly say I didn't know why and thought maybe passing a bus was illegal. It wasn't a school bus...just a hospital shuttle and it hadn't quite stopped yet, but it was going to and I hurriedly passed it so I didn't have to look for "pedestrians." (yes, "I know") I've come up with a few easy steps that might get you out of a ticket: 1. When the policeman has his lights on to pull you over, pick the right spot. Obviously, you can't stop on the side of a busy street with no shoulder, so just drive up to the light. Instead of going straight at the light, after waiting forever for it to turn green, to a building and its parking lot, turn left and drive down the street half a mile before deciding that the building and parking lot you've chosen to be pulled over in is identical to the one half a mile back but definitely better. 2. Make sure Pandora stat...