Boo. Not Boo!

Hipster Hulk with a man bun

This weekend was supposed to have been super fun! I agree with V when he says that Halloween gets better the older you get.
V's friends were throwing a work Halloween party this weekend and I had it all planned out that I was finally going to be a Disney Princess. I have never been one in my 29 year of existence, so I logged onto Amazon and actually ordered the authentic Disney brand Pocahontas costume. Boo!-ya I played on the joke that the custodian at my old school used to call me the "little indian girl" which I knew no one at V's work would understand, and were probably wondering why I didn't choose Mulan. The answer is because I'm not Chinese...actually, I might be half...whatever...
V, himself had ordered pieces for his Joker (Heath Ledger) costume and they had been coming in separate boxes to the house for 2 weeks.
Alex was going to be the Hulk and we were going to go Trunk-or Treating at church with Grandma and then she was going to babysit while we partied the night away.

Then I started feeling sick on Thursday night. Just a tickle in the throat...hopefully allergies.
Then Friday at school, I felt worse and ended my day with a fever and no voice.
I thought, "No one has time for this. Maybe when I was 8, I could clear some things off my list and shiver under a blanket while watching TV, but not now..."
So I popped some Naproxen and did some laundry and shivered under a blanket while watching TV.

Saturday arrived and instead of doing the responsible thing and canceling all plans to rest, I instead chose to possibly infect a lot of people and bother V while he was at work.

Then I went to Pilates after sending this...
Sorry, Pilates.,.the Oregano, Thyme, and Basil I drank both Friday and Saturday did not help!
Essential Oils: 0  Illness: 1

Also, sorry for coming to class. I couldn't really do anything and you know...the whole infectious disease thing. Boo.

That time she took that class...

Then the true test of sickness for me: crying for no apparent reason. (And bothering V incessantly while he works)

Drybar was still amazing.

Sorry drybar, you know, for the infectious disease.

I then let my Mom take Alex to Trunk-or-Treat while I slept on the couch.
My neighborhood doesn't really show up on Halloween for the evidenced by the following email from the party planning committee...

Please read the highlighted line. It's no accident they are trying to be confusing.

Since Halloween is on a Monday this year and Alex goes to sleep at 7, we are skipping the neighborhood hunt for candy.

I popped some pills and accompanied V to his Halloween party. It actually worked out perfectly because they're all doctors which means they have been exposed to way worse things than I was carrying AND since I was Pocahontas, I just wore a blanket and said it was from John Smith and that I was in the early stages of small pox.

Just around the river bend...photobomb...Neil Degrasse Tyson

Historically and currently accurate...completely.

Sorry V's friends, I really did only stay in a couple of places and didn't touch any of the food or drinks. You guys work at Parkland,, you know, infectious diseases.

AEP friends, I am thinking of coming up to your school one afternoon in costume and just pretending I'm working in someone's room. And when the custodian comes in and gets big eyes and asks questions, I'll just wink and "disappear" (walk out of the room awkwardly).
Then she can ask you guys if you saw a little indian girl in the building the next day!

Happy Halloween!
