Snapshot: Popcorn!

There are very few things I remember.
Eighty-five percent of my memories are false memories.
One hundred percent of my memories are memories of how I felt...not what actually happened.

Included in the sliver of things I actually remember, accurately, is the book above: Popcorn by Frank Asch.
I saw it at the library today when we went to get new books. I was so excited, I started telling Alex how great of a book it was and that we had to get it!

"It's about a bear who has a Halloween party when his parents are gone and all the kids bring popcorn to they decide to pop it all...but it takes over...and they have to eat it all...Well, maybe it's not that great of a book, I'm just excited I remember having it read to me..."

When I looked over, he had been staring, longingly, at the children using the computers the whole time I was talking to him.

He will love it.
