Happy Birthday, Dad
Dear Dad, As I'm sure you've observed, I am near your place of rest quite frequently. I like going to Super Target and Central Market and Nordstrom Rack on a Sunday after church. I drive right by most days, thinking of you, kind of giving a spiritual "what's up?" but I don't often stop. What kind of daughter am I? I'm still ashamed I led the decision to pick your eternal resting place under the ugliest, most sheddy tree in the cemetery. And you taught me so much about trees! I knew better. I am hating work right now. It stands for everything evil and wrong by kids and has become so meaningless to me. And you know I still care...so much! That's why I'm so angry and say, "I don't care" at least 20 times a day AND I can hear myself spewing banal, verbal diarrhea to anyone who gets tricked into listening... I know it's exhausting for V and my friends. You used to get so upset on my behalf when I was overly dramatic (and overly...